
Women & Youth Economic Empowerment

MC-Zambia empowers Chanyanya’s women and youth with training in leadership, financial literacy, and entrepreneurship, forming CBOs that foster economic independence and reduce rural poverty.

About the program

What is it

MC-Zambia implements the “Women and Youth Economic Empowerment” project using a model based on facilitating training sessions. Vulnerable women and youths are targeted from within the surrounding villages in the Chanyanya community. They are put in groups of fifteen and trained in Leadership, How to form Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), Financial Literacy, and Entrepreneurship. The formulated groups are then assisted in registering as CBOs, and the groups engage in saving and loaning activities to create a pool of funds for the group’s sustainability. The CBOs develop business plans and start their own ventures, creating employment and an income for each group member.

Project Targets

0 %
Living above $2.15 per day
0 %
Take up leadership roles
0 %
Of participants run their own businesses

Why Women & Youth Economic Empowerment​?

Zambia’s national poverty rate remains stubbornly high. Levels of inequality between rural and urban areas continue to rise, affecting girls and women disproportionately. With the poverty rate in rural Zambia at 78%, women and adolescent girls are particularly vulnerable due to lower human capital accumulation (Zambia Final Report, 2020). Furthermore, in Chanyanya, women face gender disparities in access to land as well as a lack of access to other productive resources and services compared to men. Additionally, women suffer from illness and disease in Chanyanya communities because they lack access to vital health information and resources to afford medical support.

Along with the above factors, most women in Chanyanya do not have a bank account or a reliable savings group. Women are reported using someone else’s account than men, which may reveal key barriers women face in opening an account of their own from the banks and leads to further financial dependence and gender disparity.

Logical Framework

Understanding the Program


Provide Financial literacy trainings, leadership trainings & entrepreneurship trainings.


Women and youth acquire knowledge on finances, leadership and how to run businesses.


women & youth set up businesses and confidently take up leadership roles.


Women and youth attain improved socio-economic status.

Partners of the Program

Who We Team Up With

The Ministry of
Community Development
and Social Services

The Ministry of