Africa Programs.
Social Projects
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About the program
What is it
Bringing value to the communities where we work in Rwanda and Zambia, our community centers offer a number of social programs based on the specific needs of the community. Designed by the local teams, these projects range from youth group activities to performing arts and from sports to reading comprehension.
Contents of the Program
What We Offer
Since 2011, MC-Rwanda has offered youth a range of social activities to help them grow as emerging leaders who are socio-culturally aware. Through performing arts, traditional dance, modelling and karate MC-Rwanda connects with the youth in Bugesera and teaches them how to collaborate with their peers in addressing pressing needs in their own communities.
Community ICT Labs and Libraries
Beyond these activities, both MC-Rwanda and MC-Zambia operate a community library and ICT lab which functions as a vibrant hub within the Bugesera and Chanyanya rural communities where increased learning and educational exploration are made possible with computer technologies and literary resources open to the public.

ICT Labs
MC-Rwanda and MC-Zambia’s ICT labs serve as a valuable resource for increased ICT literacy for members of the Bugesera and Chanyanya rural communities. By allowing free access to the ICT lab, both organizations have over the years facilitated the ICT literacy of local primary school students, teachers, and community members who use the lab for desktop research, practical courses and internet access. Many schools within Bugesera (in Rwanda) and Chanyanya (Zambia) grapple with a multitude of barriers to quality education, including a lack of adequate learning resources such as computers. This is a particularly significant challenge as it would result in a deficiency in knowledge about a subject that is incredibly crucial to know in the present world – ICT. This is why the ICT labs that MC-Rwanda and MC-Zambia run are vital to the growth of the community.

MC-Rwanda and MC-Zambia’s community libraries are used by youth from the Bugesera and Chanyanya communities respectively where access to books and learning resources are scarce. The libraries are accessible during the week where students have the chance to use the books and learning resources to improve their literacy.